Growing up as a kid, I never really got into comic books and didn't really know much about the DC characters. Sure I watched the Batman and Superman cartoons from the '90s but that was about it. I stopped really caring about the DC heroes around the time the Justice League cartoon was towards the end of its run. I bought this game on a whim and it was fun.
The story behind this game is similar to the Injustice comics from what I've been told. Having never read them, I didn't know what to expect. All in all, it was a pretty typical comic fair with certain characters acting like they should and some characters that I don't like just being there. I'll say this now, I have never been a fan of The Flash. Learning that he is now one of the most important heroes in the DC pantheon kind of makes me sad but whatever. I'll live.
The gameplay is the best thing about this game for me. It is a solid fighting game similar to the recent outings of the Mortal Kombat series. It is a 1-on-1 fight to the end with some stage hazards. The difference is how the life meters work. Essentially each player has two life bars. If one player does well, they could win without losing a bar. Bars really are just a way to split the bouts into different rounds with a round ending when a player loses a life bar.
This was a pretty fun game and I definitely felt a little nostalgia playing as some of my old favorites like Batman. If you are a comic fan, this is definitely worth picking up. Sure it isn't as fluid as some of the anime fighters I have played but it is a solid experience. I do want to play the second one but I have been waiting for a version with all the DLC. Maybe someday I will pick it up.